Light Me Up!
atelierJJx embodies my experimental creative practice, fueled by a complex spirit that thrives on using multiple mediums to dynamically express its intricate layers. My primary focus lies in creating obscure sculptures and spaces, but my inspirations are diverse, ranging from culinary masters to fashion, philosophy, poker, and even tennis. Transparency is key for me; I will always be clear about whether my work is analog, digital, AI-based, or a combination of these. I aim to offer unique perspectives on abstract subjects through my creations. By sharing my musings in blog form, my goal is to connect with what I see as my '1000 True Fans'. My deepest desire is to create soulfully authentic work and to forge genuine connections with the viewers, users, and collectors of my creations. "Light Me Up" is this year's theme, and I warmly invite you to join me on this journey of curiosity and independent creation.
Image: atelierJJX x AI 2023